2024-06-30 17:12:45齐心协力是指团结一致、共同努力,以达成共同的目标或解决问题。这个短语常用于描述团队合作的,强调集体力量的重要性,也可以用来形容个人与他人合作时所表现出的态度。
1. We need to work together and pool our resources to achieve our goal. Let's all unite and work in unison.
2. The success of this project depends on everyone's cooperation and teamwork. Let's all pull together and make it happen.
3. The company's employees are known for their spirit of unity and collaboration. They always work together in perfect harmony.
4. The local community came together to clean up the park. It was a great example of people working in unity.
5. The team's victory was the result of their determination and teamwork. They all pulled together and played to their strengths.
1. 协同努力(cooperate):指多个个体或组织共同合作,实现共同目标。
例句:The two companies will cooperate on a new project. 这两家公司将会在一个新项目上协同努力。
2. 同心协力(work in unison):强调团队成员之间相互配合,形成统一整体,共同完成任务。
例句:The choir members worked in unison to deliver a stunning performance. 合唱团成员同心协力,呈现出令人惊叹的表演。
3. 集思广益(pool resources):指把各自拥有的资源汇集起来,共同利用。
例句:We need to pool our resources and come up with a solution. 我们需要集思广益,想出一个解决方案。
4. 团结一心(unite as one):强调团队成员之间的团结和一致,共同面对挑战。
例句:In times of crisis, we must all unite as one to overcome difficulties. 在危机时期,我们必须团结一心、共同克服困难。
5. 合作共赢(collaborate for win-win results):指通过合作实现双方的利益,达到双赢的结果。
例句:The two countries agreed to collaborate for win-win results in trade. 这两个同意在贸易方面合作、实现双赢的结果。