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2024-06-30 17:16:33





1. 我想向你学习,你总能用最恰当的方式表达祝贺。请告诉我,祝贺英文怎么说?

I want to learn from you, you always know how to express congratulations in the most appropriate way. Please tell me, how do you say "congratulations" in English?

2. 今天是你毕业典礼,我要向你致以最诚挚的祝福。不过,我还不太擅长用英文表达情感,请问,祝贺英文怎么说?

Today is your graduation ceremony, I want to extend my sincerest congratulations to you. However, I am not very good at expressing emotions in English, could you please tell me how to say "congratulations" in English?

3. 我很高兴你终于找到了一份满意的工作。祝贺英文怎么说?

I am so happy that you finally found a satisfactory job. How do you say "congratulations" in English?

4. 他们刚刚宣布了比赛的结果,我想向获胜者表示祝贺。请告诉我,祝贺英文怎么说?

They just announced the results of the competition, I want to congratulate the winner. Could you please tell me how to say "congratulations" in English?

5. 我们的公司最近取得了巨大的成功,我想用英文给团队成员发表一封祝贺信。请问,祝贺英文怎么说?

Our company has achieved great success recently, and I want to send a congratulatory letter to my team members in English. Could you please tell me how to say "congratulations" in English?


1. Felicitations:也是一种表达祝福和庆祝的方式,可以作为“congratulations”的同义词使用。

例句:Please accept my warmest felicitations on your wedding day.

2. Kudos:这个词源于希腊语,意为“光荣”、“荣誉”,可以用来表示对某人或某事的赞扬和恭维。

例句:Kudos to our team for winning the championship!

3. Bravo:这个词来自意大利语,意为“好样的”、“干得漂亮”,常用来表示对某人的表现或成就的赞赏。

例句:Bravo on your amazing performance!

4. Well done:这是一个简单直接的表达方式,意为“干得好”、“做得漂亮”,可以用来表示对某人成功或成就的祝贺。

例句:Well done on your promotion!

5. Hats off to:这个短语源于英国传统礼仪,在过去用来表示对某人的敬意和赞扬。现在也可以用来表示对某人成功或成就的祝贺。

例句:Hats off to you for your hard work and dedication!
