2024-07-01 21:33:16一:磨损英文怎么说?的意思:
磨损英文是指物体表面由于长期使用、摩擦或其他外力作用而导致表面质量下降、变形或破坏的过程。在词典中,磨损英文可以被解释为wear and tear。
“wear and tear”是一个固定的搭配词组,表示“磨损、损耗”之意。它通常作为名词短语出现,可以单独使用,也可以与其他动词连用。:wear and tear on something (对某物的损耗)、experience wear and tear (经受过损耗)。
1. The constant use of the machine caused a lot of wear and tear, so we had to replace it. (这台机器经常使用导致了很多磨损,所以我们不得不更换它。)
2. The furniture in this house has suffered a lot of wear and tear over the years. (这间房子里的家具多年来遭受了很多磨损。)
3. It's important to regularly maintain your car to prevent unnecessary wear and tear. (定期保养汽车很重要,以防止不必要的磨损。)
4. The old bridge has been closed for repairs due to excessive wear and tear. (这座老桥因为过度磨损而被关闭进行维修。)
5. As a professional athlete, I have to take care of my body to avoid wear and tear on my joints. (作为一名职业运动员,我必须照顾好自己的身体,以避免关节的磨损。)
1. Deterioration:指物体因年久失修、使用不当或环境因素等导致质量下降、变形或损坏。
例句:The building shows signs of deterioration after years of neglect. (这栋建筑经过多年的忽视后显示出了衰败的迹象。)
2. Damage:指物体受到外力作用而导致表面质量下降、变形或破坏。
例句:The storm caused a lot of damage to the crops. (暴风雨给庄稼造成了很大的损害。)
3. Friction:指两个物体相互接触并产生摩擦力,导致表面质量下降。
例句:The constant friction between the two metal parts caused them to wear out quickly. (两个金属部件之间持续的摩擦导致它们很快就磨损了。)
4. Erosion:指由于自然力量(如水流、风等)作用而导致物体表面质量下降、损坏。
例句:The river erosion has caused the land to shrink over time. (河流的冲刷导致这片土地随着时间的推移变小。)
5. Corrosion:指由于化学反应或腐蚀性物质作用而导致物体表面质量下降、变形或破坏。
例句:The metal gate was damaged due to corrosion caused by the salty sea air. (这扇金属门因为海水的腐蚀而受损。)