2024-07-01 21:33:17麦卡锡主义是指美国参议员约瑟夫麦卡锡(Joseph McCarthy)在1950年代初期发起的一场针对所谓“主义威胁”的运动。这场运动以麦卡锡为首的共和党人在国会和媒体上的煽动,导致了大量无辜人士被指控为或同情者,受到迫害和社会歧视。
1. 麦卡锡主义是美国历史上最黑暗的一页,它让许多无辜人士遭受了不公平待遇。
McCarthyism is one of the darkest chapters in American history, which caused many innocent people to suffer unfair treatment.
2. 这部电影揭露了当年麦卡锡主义席卷美国社会时期的恐慌氛围。
This film exposes the atmosphere of panic during the era of McCarthyism in America.
3. 麦卡锡主义的影响延伸至各行各业,许多人因为被指控为而失去工作机会。
The impact of McCarthyism extended to all walks of life, and many people lost job opportunities because they were accused of being communists.
4. 在麦卡锡主义时期,言论自由遭到了严重的侵犯,许多人不敢发表自己的观点。
During the era of McCarthyism, freedom of speech was severely violated and many people dared not express their political views.
5. 麦卡锡主义最终被证明是一场闹剧,它给美国社会带来了巨大的伤害和耻辱。
McCarthyism was ultimately proven to be a political farce, which brought great harm and shame to American society.
1. 红色恐慌(Red Scare):指对主义和的恐惧和排斥,也常用来描述麦卡锡主义运动。
2. 公民权利侵犯(Civil Rights Violation):指或其他违反公民权利的行为,也可以用来描述麦卡锡主义时期违反公民权利的。
3. 言论压制(Suppression of Speech):指对言论自由的限制和打压,也可以用来形容麦卡锡主义时期对异见者的打压。
4. 迫害(Political Persecution):指出于动机而对特定群体或个人进行迫害和歧视,也可以用来形容麦卡锡主义时期对及其支持者的迫害。
5. 情绪(Anti-Communist Sentiment):指对主义的敌意和反感,也常被用来描述麦卡锡主义时期普遍存在的情绪。