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2024-07-01 21:36:35





1. 英国首相正在发表重要讲话,同时有两位专业的英语同声翻译为其他进行实时口译和同声传输。

The British Prime Minister is giving an important speech, with two professional English simultaneous interpreters providing real-time interpretation and transmission for other world leaders.

2. 这次国际采用了英语同声翻译技术,使来自不同的能够顺利地交流。

The international conference used English simultaneous interpretation technology, enabling representatives from different countries to communicate smoothly.

3. 由于采用了英语同声翻译,参与者们无需等待翻译完成就能够立即理解讲话内容。

Thanks to the English simultaneous interpretation used in the conference, participants were able to understand the speech immediately without waiting for the translation to finish.

4. 英语同声翻译的效率高,能够在最短的时间内将信息传递给听众,因此被广泛应用于国际和商务谈判中。

English simultaneous interpretation is highly efficient and can deliver information to the audience in the shortest possible time, making it widely used in international conferences and business negotiations.

5. 作为一名专业的英语同声翻译人员,他需要具备出色的口译和同声传译能力,同时还要具备良好的跨文化沟通技巧。

As a professional English simultaneous interpreter, he needs to have excellent skills in both interpreting and simultaneous translation, as well as good cross-cultural communication skills.


1. 同声传译(simultaneous interpretation):指在演讲或中,一位翻译人员实时将讲话内容转换成另一种语言,并通过麦克风传递给听众。

2. 即时传输(real-time transmission):指通过技术手段将信息实时地传递给接收者。在英语同声翻译中,即时传输指的是将讲话内容实时地转换成另一种语言并传递给听众。

3. 口译(interpretation):指将一种语言的口头表达转换成另一种语言的口头表达。英语同声翻译中,一位翻译人员需要具备出色的口译能力。

4. 交流(communication):指通过语言、文字或其他方式传递信息。英语同声翻译能够帮助来自不同的人们进行顺畅的交流。

5. 跨文化沟通(cross-cultural communication):指在不同文化背景下进行有效的沟通。作为英语同声翻译人员,除了要具备专业的翻译能力,还需要具备良好的跨文化沟通技巧。
