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2024-07-01 21:39:02



动词,常用于及物和不及物形式。可以搭配不同的宾语,如"create a website"(创建一个网站)、"create a masterpiece"(创作一件杰作)等。


1. The artist used various materials to create a unique sculpture. (艺术家使用多种材料来创作一件独特的雕塑。)

2. The interior designer created a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the living room. (室内设计师在客厅营造出舒适、吸引人的氛围。)

3. The company's mission is to create a better world for future generations. (公司的使命是为未来的一代创造一个更美好的世界。)

4. The chef's special dish was created using fresh, local ingredients. (这位厨师特别推出的菜肴是用新鲜的当地食材制作而成。)

5. With their combined efforts, they were able to create a successful business model. (凭借他们共同的努力,他们成功地打造了一个商业模式。)


1. Build: 与create相似,也可指通过建立或组装来产生某物。

例句:The architect built an eco-friendly house for his client.(建筑师为他的客户建造了一座环保房屋。)

2. Generate: 指通过某种方式产生或创造某物。

例句:The new marketing strategy generated a lot of interest from potential customers.(新的营销策略吸引了许多潜在客户的兴趣。)

3. Form: 指通过组合或塑造来形成某物。

例句:The artist used clay to form a beautiful vase.(艺术家用黏土塑造了一只漂亮的花瓶。)

4. Establish: 指通过建立或创建来确立某物的存在。

例句:The company was established in 1990 and has been successful ever since.(这家公司成立于1990年,一直非常成功。)

5. Shape: 指通过塑造或影响来产生某种形式或特征。

例句:Our experiences shape who we are as individuals.(我们的经历塑造了我们作为个人的样子。)
