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2024-07-15 20:29:55

1. britain是指什么?的解释:


2. britain是指什么?读音读法:

[brtn],音标为 /brtn/。

3. britain是指什么?的用例:

- Britain is a beautiful country with a rich history and diverse culture.


- Many people dream of visiting Britain to see its famous landmarks such as Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.


- The Brexit vote has caused a lot of uncertainty in Britain's political and economic future.


- British people are known for their love of tea and queuing.


- Britain has a long history of producing world-renowned writers, such as Shakespeare and Jane Austen.


4. britain是指什么?组词:

- Great Britain(大不列颠)

- British(英国的,英国人)

- British Isles(不列颠群岛)

- British English(英式英语)

- British Pound(英镑)

5. britain是指什么?的中英文对照:

Britain - 英国

