2024-06-30 17:10:34The English translation of "答应" is "promise."
"答应" is a verb that means to make a promise or agree to do something.
1. 我答应了他的请求,帮他完成这项任务。
I promised to help him complete this task.
2. 他向我答应会改掉自己的坏习惯。
He promised me that he would change his bad habits.
3. 她答应了我会来参加我的生日派对。
She promised me she would come to my birthday party.
4. 我们都知道承诺很容易,但是兑现承诺却很难。
We all know that it's easy to make promises, but it's hard to keep them.
5. 你可以相信他的话,因为他从来不会轻易地答应别人。
You can trust what he says because he never makes promises lightly.
1. 承诺 (chngnu): This word also means "promise," but it has a stronger connotation of commitment and responsibility.
Example: 我向你承诺,我会尽力完成这项任务。 (I promise you, I will do my best to complete this task.)
2. 许诺 (xnu): This word also means "promise," but it is often used in formal or official contexts.
Example: 许诺将采取措施解决这个问题。 (The government promised to take measures to solve this problem.)
3. 答应 (dying): This word can also be used as a noun, meaning "promise."
Example: 他的答应让我感到安心。 (His promise reassured me.)
4. 保证 (bozhng): This word means "guarantee" and is often used in a more serious or solemn context.
Example: 我保证会按时交付工作成果。 (I guarantee to deliver the work results on time.)
5. 许愿 (xyun): This word means "make a wish" or "make a promise."
Example: 我许愿要变得更加勤奋努力。 (I promised to become more hardworking.)