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be able to的意思和用法(原创)

2024-07-15 20:22:02

1. be able to的意思和用法的解释

be able to是一个英语短语,意为“能够”,表示某人有能力做某事或具备某种能力。它通常用于表示一种可能性,而不是肯定性。该短语常与动词原形连用,构成be able to+动词原形的结构。

2. be able to的意思和用法读音读法

be able to的读音为/bi ebl t/,其中e音为长元音/i:/,重音在第二个单词able上。

3. be able to的意思和用法的用例

例句1:She was not able to finish her homework on time because she was sick.


例句2:I will not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow as I have a doctor's appointment.


例句3:He is able to speak three languages fluently.


例句4:They were not able to find a solution to the problem.


例句5:I am finally able to afford a trip abroad after saving money for years.


4. be able to的意思和用法组词

- be unable to:不能够,无法

- be able to do something:能够做某事

- ability:能力,才能

- able-bodied:健壮的,身体健全的

- disable:使无能为力,使残废

5. be able to的意思和用法的中英文对照

be able to | 能够

be unable to | 不能够,无法

be able to do something | 能够做某事

ability | 能力,才能

able-bodied | 健壮的,身体健全的

disable | 使无能为力,使残废

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结

be able to是一个常用的英语短语,在日常生活和工作中经常被使用。它表示某人具备某种能力或有可能做某事。它可以与动词原形连用构成be able to+动词原形的结构。此外,它还可以与否定词not连用构成否定形式be unable to+动词原形。该短语还可以衍生出其他相关词汇,并且在口语和书面语中都广泛使用。使用时需要注意其肯定性和可能性的含义,并灵活运用于句子中。
