2024-08-14 21:47:131. Crocodile是一种大型爬行动物,属于鳄形目鳄科。它们通常生活在水中,具有强壮的身体和锋利的牙齿,是非常危险的动物。
2. Crocodile的读音为[krkdal],读作“克罗克达伊尔”。
3. Crocodile是一种肉食性动物,主要以鱼类、鸟类和其他小型动物为食。它们通常生活在热带地区的河流、湖泊和沼泽中。
4. 例句1:The crocodile lurked in the murky waters, waiting for its prey to come closer.
5. 例句2:Crocodiles have been around for millions of years and are considered living fossils.
6. 例句3:The villagers were warned not to swim in the river because of the presence of crocodiles.
7. 例句4:The crocodile's powerful jaws can crush the bones of its prey with ease.
8. 例句5:Crocodiles are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for long periods of time.
1. 鳄鱼 (alligator)
2. 鳄龟 (caiman)
3. 鳄蜥 (gavial)
4. 鳄梨 (avocado)
5. 鳄皮 (crocodilian)
1. 中文:鳄鱼;英文:crocodile
2. 中文:鳄龟;英文:caiman
3. 中文:鳄蜥;英文:gavial
4. 中文:鳄梨;英文:avocado
5. 中文:鳄皮;英文:crocodilian