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what goes around的意思

2024-08-18 21:29:59

What goes around是一个常用的英语短语,它的字面意思是“转来转去”,但在实际使用中,它有着更深层的含义。它可以指一种循环往复的现象,也可以指某人所做的事情最终会回到自己身上。这个短语也有时被用来提醒人们要善待他人,因为你所做的一切都会有回报。

What goes around的例句:

1. You reap what you sow, what goes around comes around. (种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)

2. She cheated on her boyfriend and now he has left her for someone else. What goes around, comes around. (她背叛了男朋友,现在他也离开她和别人在一起。因果报应)

3. The company has been treating its employees poorly, but now they are facing a strike. What goes around, comes around. (公司一直对员工不好,现在他们面临着。因果报应)

4. He used to bully others when he was younger, but now he is the one being bullied in his workplace. What goes around, comes around. (他年轻时常欺负别人,现在却被同事欺负。因果报应)

5. I always try to do good deeds and help others because I believe in what goes around, comes around. (我总是尽力做好事帮助他人,因为我相信因果报应)


另外,what goes around也可以指一种循环往复的现象。比如,在讨论自然界或社会现象时,可以用它来描述事物之间相互影响、相互作用的过程。

what goes around是一个常用且多义的短语,在不同语境下有着不同的含义。它提醒我们要善待他人,并且也反映了生活中普遍存在的因果关系和循环往复的现象。所以,在日常交流中经常会听到这个短语被使用。
