toey是什么意思 toey一词来自于英语单词"towhead"
2024-09-18 17:11:51toey一词来自于英语单词"towhead",意为“金发碧眼的孩子”,通常用来形容人的外貌特征。它也可以指代一个人具有天真可爱的性格。
1. The little girl with her toey hair and sparkling blue eyes was the star of the show.(拥有金发和明亮蓝眼睛的小女孩是这场演出的明星。)
2. The toey kitten caught everyone's attention with its fluffy white fur and big green eyes.(那只毛茸茸的小猫因其白色绒毛和大大的绿眼睛而吸引了所有人的注意力。)
1. Despite her age, she still had a toey innocence about her that made everyone adore her.(尽管她已经年长了,但她仍然保持着一种天真无邪的纯真,让每个人都喜欢她。)
2. He had a toey charm that attracted people of all ages to him.(他拥有一种迷人的天真魅力,吸引着各个年龄段的人们。)
1. The toey in the photo is my sister when she was a child.(照片中的那个金发碧眼的小女孩是我小时候的妹妹。)
2. He always had a soft spot for toeys, probably because he was one himself.(他总是对金发碧眼的人有一种特殊的情感,可能是因为他自己也是这样一个人。)