to be patient是什么意思 to be patient的用法
2024-09-19 17:03:54to be patient是指一个人能够忍耐和耐心地等待或处理事情,不急躁或焦虑。这种态度通常表现为对待困难、挑战或不如意的情况时保持冷静和镇定,以及对他人的行为和言语保持宽容和理解。
to be patient的用法:
to be patient是一个动词短语,通常用来描述一个人的品质或态度。它可以作为主语、谓语、宾语或补语出现在句子中。:
- She needs to be more patient with her students.(她需要对学生更有耐心。)
- He was trying to be patient, but eventually lost his temper.(他一直试图保持耐心,但最终失去了耐性。)
- I know it's hard, but you have to be patient.(我知道这很难,但你必须要有耐心。)
- The key to success is to be patient and persistent.(成功的关键是要有耐心和坚持不懈。)
to be patient的例句:
1. She waited patiently for her turn in line.
2. It takes patience and practice to learn a new skill.
3. He has been patiently waiting for his dream job for years.
4. The doctor advised her to be patient during her recovery process.
5. It can be difficult to be patient when things don't go as planned, but it's important to stay calm and wait for the right moment.