sprout的中文翻译是什么 sprout的中文翻译是“发芽”
2024-09-21 09:25:57sprout的中文翻译是“发芽”。它可以用作名词,表示植物新生长的部分;也可以用作动词,表示植物开始生长。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨sprout这个词的含义、用法和例句。
首先是sprout作为名词时的含义。它指植物生长出来的新部分,通常是指幼苗或新芽。,“The sprouts of the beans are just starting to show.”(豆子的幼苗刚刚开始露出来了。)除了指植物本身,sprout也可以用来表示食品中带有幼苗或新芽的部分。“Sprouted grains are believed to be more nutritious.”(人们认为发芽谷物更有营养。)
其次是sprout作为动词时的含义。它指植物开始生长,也可以用来表示事物开始出现或发展。,“The seeds will sprout in a few days.”(几天后种子就会发芽。)“New businesses are sprouting up in the city.”(城市里新的企业正在兴起。)
除了上述两种基本含义外,sprout还可以引申出一些其他的含义。,它可以用来表示人或动物开始迅速成长。“She has really sprouted since I last saw her.”(自从我上次见她以来,她长大了很多。)此外,sprout也可以用来比喻想法、计划等开始形成。“The idea of starting her own business has just sprouted in her mind.”(创办自己的企业的想法刚刚在她脑海中萌芽。)
1. The children were excited to see the first sprouts of their vegetable garden.
2. The tree had been cut down, but it continued to sprout new branches.
3. Ideas can sprout from anywhere, at any time.
4. The city has been sprouting with new buildings and businesses.
5. With proper care, the sprouts will grow into strong, healthy plants.