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stigma是什么意思 stigma一词源自希腊语原意为“刻痕”或“标记”

2024-09-21 09:38:35


stigma也可以指某种道德上的耻辱或不光彩的行为。,“drug addiction()”、“mental illness(疾病)”、“homosexuality(同性恋)”等都被视为社会上的stigma,使得这些受到影响的人们面临着来自他人和社会的压力和歧视。


此外,stigma也可以是指某种物品、事物或概念所带来的负面印象。,“Made in China(制造)”、“fast food(快餐)”、“social media(社交媒体)”等都可能被视为stigma,使得这些事物在某些情况下受到负面评价和厌恶。

stigma的用法多种多样,可以作为名词、动词或形容词使用。作为名词时,它可以指代上述任何一种含义,,“The stigma of drug addiction has caused many people to suffer in silence.(的耻辱使得许多人默默承受着痛苦。)”、“The stigma attached to mental illness prevents many people from seeking help.(疾病的污名阻止了许多人寻求帮助。)”。作为动词时,stigma常常与“attach”或“carry”等动词连用,表示给某人或某物贴上stigma的标签或印记。,“People often attach a stigma to those who are different from them.(人们常常给与自己不同的人贴上污名。)”。作为形容词时,stigma通常修饰某种事物或概念,表示其具有负面的特征或印象。,“Many people have a stigma against fast food, thinking it is unhealthy.(许多人对快餐抱有偏见,认为它不健康。)”。


1. The stigma of being a single mother often makes it difficult for women to find a job.(作为单身母亲的耻辱常常使得女性很难找到工作。)

2. Mental illness is still surrounded by stigma, making it hard for people to openly talk about their struggles.(疾病仍然被污名所围绕,使得人们很难公开谈论自己的挣扎。)

3. In some cultures, there is a stigma attached to seeking therapy for mental health issues.(在一些文化中,寻求心理治疗被视为一种耻辱。)

4. The stigma against homosexuality has caused many members of the LGBTQ+ community to face discrimination and violence.(对同性恋的污名导致许多LGBTQ+群体成员面临歧视和。)

5. There is a growing stigma against plastic straws due to their negative impact on the environment.(由于塑料吸管对环境造成的负面影响,人们对其越来越有偏见。)

