subjection怎么读 subjection是什么意思
2024-09-23 22:41:32Subjection是一个多音节单词,读音为/sbdekn/。它的第一个音节发音为短元音/s/,第二个音节发音为长元音/bi/,第三个音节发音为短元音/k/,最后一个音节发音为长元音/n/.
1. The subjection of the enemy was a great victory for our army. (敌人的征服对我们的来说是一次伟大的胜利。)
2. The subjection of women to men has been a long-standing issue in our society. (女性对男性的征服在我们社会中一直存在着。)
3. The subjection of the citizens to harsh laws caused widespread dissatisfaction. (公民对苛刻法律的征服引起了广泛不满。)
4. Under the subjection of his captors, the prisoner had no choice but to obey their commands. (在他俘虏者的下,这名囚犯别无选择,只能听从他们的命令。)
5. The king demanded complete subjection from his subjects, leaving them with no autonomy or freedom. (国王要求臣民完全服从,不给他们任何权或自由。)
1. The subjection of the rebellious province was a swift and decisive victory for the king's army.
2. Many women throughout history have fought against the subjection and oppression imposed on them by patriarchal societies.
3. The subjection of animals to cruel experimentation has sparked debates about ethical treatment of animals.
4. The subjection of one nation by another often leads to resentment and conflict between the two.
5. Despite being under constant subjection by her controlling husband, she finally found the courage to leave him and start a new life.